Quick Take: Miro - Uh, What Is It?
Miro Above the Fold
May 15, 2024
If Miro is a typical SaaS, they need new customers to grow. I’m betting that quite a few prospects land here on recommendations, but are confused in the first few seconds of looking at the page.
Instant impression:
Not good.
The headline is:
“Enter with a dream. Exit with the next big thing.”
What does that mean?
If I’ve arrived here looking for PM software and I’ve never heard of Miro, this tells me zero about what the product does. It’s a great example of being clever instead of straightforward.
“Dreams” and “the next big thing” are abstract concepts. The proportion of customers that this message will convince is small. Most people aren’t thinking about the next big thing, they’re thinking about how they’re going to deal with tomorrow’s workload.
A normal prospect will think:
You’re talking about dreams and the next big thing, but I just need some software to get my project organized so I can push some projects out the door faster because my boss is breathing down my neck. Can Miro do this? IDK….
The next line sort of says what the product does:
“Build, iterate, and design faster with Miro - the visual workspace for innovation.”
While the first part of this line is okay, “the visual workspace for innovation” just sounds like corporate navel-gazing.
- Using “the” instead of “a” sounds arrogant.
- “Innovation” is a word that businesses use when they don’t know what they do.
When you’re tempted to use words like “innovation”, remember:
No one says, “I want to be innovative at work today.” Use the words of your customers.
“Innovation” is a word for shareholder meetings and TED Talks.
The CTA takes up too much space
It’s pretty obvious where the sign up form is, but I don’t know why the form field and button need to be so wide.
They suggest using your your work email in two locations! How crazy….
Unless this is really, really important, they’re just taking up valuable home page real estate.
Are they harvesting corporate emails for social proof? Is there some problem with personal emails on the backend? I don’t know, but it’s weird.
30 Second Fix
After writing the above, I spent 30 seconds to do this:
Headline: “A Visual Workspace to Build, Iterate, and Design Faster”
Subhead: “Enter with a dream. Exit with the next big thing.”
First I say what Miro does, a little better, then we do the fluffy stuff…
I suspect the subhead should be problem-oriented rather than aspiration-oriented, but this is just a 30 second fix.
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